
Monday, February 6, 2012

The Least of These....

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
-Matthew 25:37-40

So it's only been forever since I blogged. It was my very lofty goal last year to start and keep up with this family blog. What was going on with the Guerra's and how everyone was doing. I managed to make it a whole year without blogging ONE TIME!! So this year I'm trying again. One blog a month that's my goal, but even if I never blog again this topic could not be overlooked.

It all started a few weeks ago with a seemingly benign email. Would Rob and I like to host 2 Children from the Children of the World Choir that was coming to our church to perform. We talked it over and decided sure. What else do we have to do? That one yes started a chain reaction of events that ultimately lead to the most eye opening weekend our family has ever had.

Meet Irene::: She is 10 years old and From Uganda. She loves to play soccer, dance and sing and when she grows up she wants to be a musician! I have never met anyone with such and infectious spirit. One look at that smile and it melts your heart. She is also a natural artist. She worked wonders with sidewalk chalk.

Meet Lideff:: She is also 10 years old and from the Philippines. She loves to dance and read poetry and wants to be a teacher when she grows up. She is beautiful inside and out. Her quiet spirit and gentle spirit is so refreshing. Let me tell you this girl is small but she can put away the seafood!!

These girls changed our home and our lives forever! It's amazing what 48 hours can do to change the way you see the world. Friday after picking them up we went to eat at CiCi's. Both girls asked for pizza and Cameron was quick to agree. Upon arriving the feeding frenzy began. I think the 3 girls were trying to see who could eat the most. I think collectively they put away at least 25 pieces! Our first reality check came from sweet Lideff.

Reality Check 1:: We are a VERY wasteful!
As Cameron gave her plate full of crust to the lady cleaning our table. Lideff sat there watching it, she was so confused, and maybe a little horrified. She finally looked at me and in the sweetest most perplexed voice asked

"why did she not eat that? Why is she sending her food away?"

I of course did not have a good answer for that question. My only answer was a weak and quiet, "I guess she doesn't like it". It was the first of many times that I would be faced with how spoiled I am as an American. We don't think twice about throwing out crust or a half eaten apple. Or cooking way too much just to throw it down the garbage disposal!
Reality Check 2:: Kids really Are starving in Africa!
Toward the end of the meal after mounds of pizza had been devoured, I could tell Irene was full and ready to stop eating. I didn't want her to be sick so I told her to stop. She looked at me like I was crazy. So I repeated myself. Her response....

"my friends are family are starving! They don't have food! I must eat what I get. I can not waist this."

So a good hour after meeting these 2 girls I realized that there REALLY are starving children ALL over the world. There are families that can not feed their babies and there are babies that go to bed hungry. Not only was that reality now very true, but I was looking into the eyes of a 10 year old who had lived it!

Reality Check 3:: My kids are brats!!
I say that in a loving manner. I don't have bad, undisciplined kids, or kids who walk all over us. I have American Kids. Kids who are perfectly okay with turning up their noses and refusing a meal, because they know another one will be offered in a few hours. I have kids who view their toys as necessities and their beds and rooms as entitlements. That will spend half an hour playing in the shower, because water freely flows from our pipes. Which brings me to my next reality check!

Reality Check 4:: Water is big deal!
All weekend when offered a beverage both girls requested water. I was ignorant enough the think it was because they didn't want to burden us with other drinks. It wasn't until Saturday night as I was trying to talk Irene into Lemonade that she explained...

"We love water, and drink it here because we don't have clean water at home. Clean water is a treat for me."

We later found out that these kids (before they were sponsored) walked up to 3 hours EACH WAY to get clean (well semi clean) water for their families! Missing out on a full day of school, and braving the harsh elements, just to have something to drink. Water flowing from the pipes is like Christmas Day for them and here in American we are refusing the tap! Did you know it only takes $15,000 to put a fresh water pump in a village! That pump provides a lifetime of clean water. F500 Companies in American could put in 6 or 7 fresh water pumps for the cost of one corporate event! REALLY???

I could go on and on and on! Reality check after reality check, but that wasn't all the weekend was about!! We had so much fun. We met our friends at the park, and played basketball and soccer, made sidewalk art, and laughed. I can't remember the last time Rob and I made time to do that with just our kids. WHY??

So the rest of this blog will just be pictures! Amazing pictures of lots of amazing kids. Kids from America, Kids from Uganda, Kids from Napal, Kids from the Philippians, but most importantly you will see kids who unlike most adults, didn't care about money, social class, or culture, they only care about being friends, loving each other and having fun!!

Welcome to Saturday Morning!! This is what we woke up to. The girls (and Colby) having an amazing time playing barbies.

This was all the kids at the park! What an amazing time! This doesn't do it justice really. We had 18 kids at the park. FUN!!

Sidewalk Chalk!

The Performance

Our New Extended Family! These girls will aways be apart of our home and our lives. For more pictures! A LOT more! Check out my FB page! They will be posted soon.