
Sunday, January 11, 2015


Hi, My Name is Chelcie, and I'm Broken. are too. The truth is we are all broken. Maybe not to the same extent, but because we aren't perfect, and our world isn't perfect, we are all broken. Everyone has a story, and everyone has a part of their life that they wish wasn't there.  We've all been writing our stories all of our lives. Some of us on our own, some with the help others, and some of us just straight gave our pen to someone else and said "here you do it".  It didn't occur to me until last year that I have the power (80s kids you said that like He-Man), and it's up to me to get my pen, and start writing a story I can be proud of. 

The truth is a lot of my story scares me. Some days the twisted truths that are my life are inconceivable even to me, but they are a part of me, and they made me who I am.  So I refuse to ask for a rewrite!  In my 32 (almost 33) years I have learned so many things, mainly because I have made 1000 mistakes. I am who I am because of all the things that have happened to me.  So today I choose to appreciate the mistakes, the wrongs, and the heartaches. I choose to understand that it took making wrong choices, for me to appreciate integrity, and doing the right thing. It took 100 wrongs to make me fully appreciate all the amazing rights. It took my heart aching and breaking into a 1000 pieces to be able to put it back together and make it better than it was before.  It took a slew of people who weren't real friends, to appreciate the people that I have now, the ones that are willing to pick me up, hand me super glue and say, "I don't care that you're broken, get up, and let's get this fixed". It took me knowing what love isn't to appreciate what love truly is. It took looking at a whole lot of ugliness to really be able to find the beauty in each day. 

No one wants to be broken but everyone is. Breaks happen! No one is immune from being hurt, but in that hurt we have a choice to make. We can choose to sit around forever staring at the pieces, or we can pick up the super glue and get to work!! My heart will never be perfect, but in the end it will be a beautiful mosaic masterpiece that is far better than the original.