
Monday, January 21, 2013


If you are hoping for some awe inspiring, life changing, lyrically charged post...STOP NOW!! It's January 21st, and since I am desperate to not break my "one blog a month" resolution, I'm going for the most obvious...ME!

There are a lot of people that think they know me, and there are several people that actually do know me, but there are VERY few people that REALLY REALLY know me! Those of you that fall in the "think you know me category" you're in for a treat.  I present Transparency....

I have a mental block that hinders me from finding the laundry hamper with roughly 85% of my clothes.  The chair in my room, (that I got from my Granny's house), holds about 50%, the other 35% can be found on my bathroom floor, leaving only 15% that actually find the hamper.  This is a phenomenon that drives Rob INsane!!

We can not be friends unless you are okay with my "12 year old boy" sense of humor.  My ability to turn anything benign into something inappropriate is really more like a gift. You're Welcome!

I can't get a facial or go into ANY type of steam sauna.  When steam is in my face I literally forget how to breath.

I laugh at the worst times!! I have a nervous laugh, so when I'm really uncomfortable or nervous I start laughing.  It's like a tick or something. I really can't control it, and it has gotten me in trouble MANY times. 

When I think, concentrate, or am listening intensely, I have the worst look on my face.  So much so that I have been accused of "being harsh" during meetings.  I am not trying to give anyone a proverbial "go to H.E.double hockey sticks look", but apparently I do. Let me assure you...  I'M JUST LISTENING!!!

I can't work an iron.  Well I can work it, plug it in, add water, watch it steam, I've got that down.  I can't however get wrinkles out of clothing with it.  No lie It takes me a good 35 minutes to an hour to iron a pair of slacks.  That's after I have gone back over each pant leg and the butt trying to get the creases out that are worse than the wrinkles before I started.  Thank God Rob is an outstanding Ironer!

I can't watch conflict (insert nervous laugh).  I can be involved in conflict if I believe in the cause, but I can NOT watch others fight or argue.  I want to crawl out of my skin or hide under a table. It makes me so uncomfortable.  I blame this on the fact that my parents NEVER fought.  I can not remember one time growing up, or even as an adult, that I have witnessed my parents have even an argument.

I will not fight fair, because I HATE to lose.  It's not like I will get all manipulative or dirty, but I will watch, and wait, and at the very moment you least expect it, I'll win!

I am the world's best at smiling when I don't want to.  It goes along with the whole "fake it until you make it" philosophy. 

I say what I mean and I mean what I say! If you are not prepared to hear an honest answer don't ask me the question.  I don't say things just to say them or to make people happy.  I say them because they are true.  I wasn't the girl in School that I would tell EVERY boyfriend that I loved Them.  I don't call all my friends "My Best" Friend.  Words are POWERFUL and they mean something.  So I don't take them lightly! If I tell you like like you it's because I do.  Believe me you will always know where you stand with me.

I have too much going on in my head.  I am an over thinker, an over processor, an over analyzer, and an over planner.  My mind is in constant thought.  Usually random, and never the same thing for more than a few minutes.  It's a constant whirl wind of what ifs, and buts, and conversations that I'll NEVER have with people.  Which leads me to....

I am the most forgetful person on the planet.  I don't want to be, and I'm not ADD, but when I get focused on something that's it.  That's ALL I'm doing until it's done.  If you ask me to do something while I'm thinking about, or doing something else, I WILL forget.  Which is why I typically do things IMMEDIATELY after being asked.  It's also why I rely on my sweet husband and friends to give me a MILLION reminders a day!

I am realizing that I could go on and on for days about my imperfections.  So In closing I will draw some inspiration from Ms. Monroe....I can be selfish, I can be impatient, I am always insecure.  I constantly make mistakes, but I'm getting better at admitting when I do.  I do my best every day to make me a better me. Regardless of how many flaws I have, I also possess a ton of greatness! The best thing is... once you have me, I'm fiercely loyal.  From the moment I connect with you, I will do almost anything in my power to make sure you're happy and okay! Unless you break my trust, and then... well that's a WHOLE other blog! ;0)

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