
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Special Shoes to High Heels!

I am 100% a Murphy's Law kind of a person.  If it's going to happen it's going to happen to me. If anyone is getting caught, it's me! If anyone is going to get in trouble, ME.  If anyone gets hurt, odds are it's me.  If someone's going to be late to a meeting, yep probably me! This is actually not new.  If you ask my parents they will tell you that I was also an ML kid.  If any one was going to get stitches, break a bone, have a wreck, it was again going to be me! For instance, I broke my ankle in the 7th grade during a basketball game.  It was a bad break and I was in a cast FOREVER! The day I got totally released and was "healed" I headed over the skating rink with my friends.  A few hours later I was going home with a broken elbow! Like I said I'm an ML Girl!!

When I was born I was born without my Esophageal Sphincter. That is the flap at the top of your esophagus that prevents your food from coming right back up.  As you can imagine without it, I was a very difficult baby to feed, which also meant I cried A LOT! I maintain that my aunt and uncle didn't have kids, because my parents made them babysit me when I was about 2 weeks old. Let me tell you, that is a story that 30 years later I have yet to live down.  I also maintain that Colby cried for the 1st 4 weeks of his life because I was reaping what I had sown! :-)

Not only did I have the whole sphincter issue going on, but I was also born Pigeon Toed! That little know fact is actually the reason for the title of this blog. The other day (after hearing a story about her daughter) I told my friend MJ (Check out her blog Here) that sometimes I really have to think about which shoe goes on which foot. She looked at me like I was crazy and had to tell her that I was Pigeon Toed when I was little.  I explained that I had to wear special shoes to turn my feet out, but that after a while I just had to wear my shoes on the wrong feet and that finished fixing them. I don't actually remember being Pigeon Toed. I've heard stories, and seen the shoes, and know that I learned to put my shoes on wrong.  Honestly, It's no longer a problem I can manage getting my shoes on the right feet, but will admit that I do put them side by side every morning just to be sure!

I had a good laugh a few months ago, after our Campus Police Officer told me that I was a very intimidating person.  I told him that I didn't understand because I never intended or tried to be intimidating.  He said it had to do with my height when I wore heels and the way that I "always walk with such purpose".  I immediately went to tell MJ (clearly she is my main school confidant) and we had a good laugh.  I joking told her that being intimidating was the only reason I started wearing high heels and eye liner.

However, the comment also made me think about The Little Pigeon Toed Girl that was born without an Esophageal Sphincter.  Who knew I'd go from Special Shoes to High Heels? Who knew I'd ever be able to walk in High Heels without killing myself? Who knew anyone would ever look at that little girl and tell her she was intimidating?  I guess the point is, that you never know where you're going to end up. What I'm trying to say is that you can never let what you were born with define who you are going to be.  Trials are a part of life. For some they are a bigger part than for others, but that doesn't matter!  The possibilities in life are endless.  Even for a girl with shoes on the wrong feet. 

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