
Saturday, May 1, 2010

The balancing Act!!

As I said before our lives are a crazy mess! We run around non-stop and sometimes it's impossible to see when everything has gotten out of balance. Between church, cheer, gymnastics, and jobs, things get unwound before we know it. Losing your family doesn't happen over night it's a process. I know I get so caught up in trying to grow a business, be a full time teacher, and a full time mom, that I forget that I have a husband and kids that need more than a hot meal, a warm bath, and clean clothes. We seldom look around and count our blessings!

So after a rough night we woke up this morning, went to breakfast as a family, took naps, and then took the boat out for the first time this season. It was kind of chilly but we didn't care. With a cooler full of sandwiches, chips, drinks, and gummy bears, we were set for success!! We spent 2 hours cruising the lake, no computers, no tv, JUST FAMILY!! Such a small step goes a long way in restoring balance. I encourage everyone to get on the Wii Fit Board of life and take a look at where your center really is. You might be surprised at how off you are and not even know it. The next 2 images are of my view tonight. God's World takes my breath away!

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